Growing and Caring for Dracaena Fragrans for Healthy Growth


Growing and caring for Dracaena fragrans, commonly known as Corn Plant, is a topic of great interest among plant enthusiasts. This perennial woody plant is relatively easy to cultivate. However, to ensure a robust trunk and beautiful foliage and flowers, proper care is essential. In this article, we will explore simple techniques for growing Dracaena fragrans at home, ensuring healthy growth.

Overview of Dracaena Fragrans

What is Dracaena Fragrans?

Dracaena fragrans, often referred to as “Lucky Bamboo” or “Fragrant Dracaena,” is a woody ornamental plant characterized by its lush, large, and beautifully veined leaves.

Characteristics of Dracaena Fragrans

Originating from West Africa and belonging to the Asparagaceae family, Dracaena fragrans is known for its strong vitality and effectiveness in purifying the air. Its resilience makes it a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor settings.

Growing and Caring for Dracaena Fragrans for Healthy Growth

Preparing to Grow Dracaena Fragrans

Before planting Dracaena fragrans, it is crucial to prepare the right plant variety, pot, and soil. Fortunately, this plant is quite adaptable, making the preparation straightforward.

Choosing the Right Plant

When selecting a Dracaena plant, consider the following characteristics:

  • Opt for a reputable nursery with extensive experience in plant propagation.
  • Choose a plant with a mature root system, as it will have higher nutrient reserves.
  • For younger plants, select ones with longer stem lengths for better growth potential.
  • Ideally, each pot should contain 3 to 5 stems, with five being the most common choice.

Selecting the Pot

Choosing the appropriate pot for your Dracaena is crucial for its growth.

  • Bright-colored ceramic pots are preferred.
  • The pot diameter should range from 30 to 40 cm, with a height of 40 to 55 cm.
  • This size allows ample room for root growth and facilitates easier care while harmonizing with indoor decor.

Choosing the Soil

The ideal soil for Dracaena fragrans is loamy soil. Before planting, it is advisable to neutralize acidity by mixing in quicklime. A neutral pH level is best for optimal growth.

When preparing the pot, place a 3 to 5 cm layer of drainage material at the bottom before positioning the root ball into the pot. Be careful not to break the root ball to avoid damaging the roots. Fill the remaining space with soil and consider adding decorative colored stones on the surface for visual appeal.

Planting Techniques for Dracaena Fragrans at Home

Planting Dracaena Fragrans from Cuttings

The most popular method for planting Dracaena fragrans is through stem cuttings.

Steps to propagate from cuttings:

  1. Select healthy cuttings for propagation.
  2. Cut the stems into segments of 20 to 50 cm. Apply lime at the cut ends to promote healing and prevent infection.
  3. Dip the cut ends into rooting hormone.
  4. Plant two-fifths of the cutting into moist soil, ensuring it remains damp but not waterlogged.
  5. Within about 7 days, the cuttings should begin to sprout roots and shoots.

Growing Dracaena Fragrans in Water

For those preferring a clean option free of soil, growing Dracaena fragrans in water is an excellent choice. This method is also known as hydroponics.

Steps for growing in water:

  1. Select a healthy cutting with existing shoots.
  2. Place the cutting in a container filled with nutrient-rich water.
  3. Keep in mind that plants grown in water may not be as robust as those grown in soil, so choose the method that suits your needs.

Proper Care for Dracaena Fragrans

Caring for Dracaena fragrans involves managing fertilizer, watering schedules, pruning, and pest control. Below are detailed care guidelines for ensuring a thriving plant.

Regular Watering

Dracaena fragrans is relatively low-maintenance. This plant prefers dry conditions and can thrive in low light. Therefore, watering should be done twice a week.

Excessive watering can lead to root rot, which affects the appearance of the plant. It is crucial to avoid overwatering while maintaining an appropriate moisture level.


Proper fertilization is vital for the healthy growth of Dracaena fragrans.

  • For plants primarily grown for foliage, apply fertilizer in two phases: initial and supplementary feeding. For those cultivated for flowers, there are four stages of fertilization: initial, supplementary, flowering, and recovery.

Initial Feeding:

  • Start preparing the soil with 2 to 3 kg of well-composted manure (preferably from cattle or pigs) and 50g of NPK 10-50-10 fertilizer.

Supplementary Feeding:

  • After 25 to 30 days of planting, apply 50g of NPK 30-10-10 and 10g of urea, along with 10g of crushed seashells or oyster shells. Repeat this every 30 days.

Flowering Stage:

  • During the flowering phase, use 50g of NPK 15-5-27 and 10g of potassium to promote beautiful blooms. Fertilize every 20 days during this stage.

Recovery Stage:

  • After the flowering period, provide 50g of NPK 30-10-10 and 15g of foliar urea to support recovery.

To enhance fertilization efficiency, bury the fertilizer beneath the soil surface and maintain a distance of 5 to 10 cm from the plant’s base.

Pruning and Shaping

Regular pruning helps maintain the aesthetics of Dracaena fragrans.

  • Remove any yellowing leaves, damaged foliage, or infested tips.
  • Cut back unwanted stems close to the base without damaging the main trunk.
  • Use specialized pruning shears to avoid tearing the bark.

Pest Management

Dracaena fragrans has self-protective mechanisms but may still face pest issues.

  • Maintain a tidy plant environment to deter insects.
  • Monitor for pests like leaf roller caterpillars. If they appear, use garlic-infused water to repel them. Generally, chemical pesticides are unnecessary for minor infestations.

Dracaena fragrans produces fragrant flowers in clusters, contributing not only beauty but also economic value when cultivated effectively. With these shared insights, you can successfully grow and care for Dracaena fragrans, achieving healthy plants with abundant blooms and stunning foliage